The Holiday Pages

This page is about us and where we live in Margaret River with a link to our property Margaret House. Currently we are on holiday, so the pages are about our holiday.

Day 19 and 20, 10th July, 2003

We decided that we had seen as much of Sydney as we wanted with Liam so we spent the morning cleaning up and having a look at Dee Why beach. Also had to let Liam have a play before the car ride up to Newcastle.

Took a couple of photos of Colin and Barbs unit to remind us. You can see the beach from the balcony and as you can see, Liam can see the TV from less than 1 metre.

The drive up to Newcastle caused no problems. As usual we missed the turn off that our instructions told us about and had to approach Deb and Neil's place from a slightly different direction.

No problems and we arrived mid afternoon. Good to see everyone, the kids have grown so much in 13 years (strange about this). Anika is working at the hospital as an ocupational therapist and Isaac is finishing school and working at Pizza Hut. We also met Anikas boyfriend David, brave girl to introduce us straight away.

Had a good chat and reminisced about Campbell River.

Day 20

We went for a drive to Nelson Bay, Port Stephens and Fingal Bay. The area was quite magnificant and the weather was superb, as usual. Nelson Bay is a really pretty bay with what amounts to an island just off shore that is connected to the main land mass by a sand bar. You still get a small swell coming through the opening which would allow for a bit of surfing. Liam started off a bit cantacorous but improved as the day progressed.

Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Days 8-9, Day 10

Day 11, Days 12-14, Day 15, Days 16-17, Day 18, Days 19-20

Days 21-22 , Day 23-30

Main Holiday Page