It was a bit wet today and the forecast wasn't too good but we decided to go to Movie World any way since this would give us more more options for the next two days. Immediately you walked in Movie World you are impressed by the cleanliness and the openness of the park. |
We went straight to Looney Toons Village and found several rides that appealed to Liam. The thing that made them different and better was that they were all designed to be driven, or ridden, by a small child on their own. Liam started off on the Tiahana Taxi, then the Tweety Bird cage ride and the Yosemite Sam train ride.
We all then went on the Looney Tunes River Ride, which was a nice little trip down under to find Bugs Bunny. Very reminiscent of the theme rides at Disney World. Liam liked it but was put off a bit by the noise. Liam and Bruce then took the Wild West Falls ride which actually scared Liam. I realised by now that the rides didn't scare Liam, it was all the noise and darkness. The big drop didn't worry him at all. |
We visited the parade next which was quite good but again
not of any great interest to Liam. He wasn't interested in
any of the characters, not even Bugs Bunny who he would
watch on Video for hours. |
Back to Toon Village for another round of rides on the taxi, bumper cars and then came the surprise of the day. We decided to let Liam try the roller coaster. Bruce went with him, very much against his will, and Liam absolutely loved it. Bruce came off feely squeezy and happy to have survived. Liam came off and imediately dragged his mum onto the ride for another trip. |
We visited a few other activities but kept being dragged back to the roller coaster, which Liam eventually went on about 5 times. We enjoyed our day and have decided to return tomorrow or Saturday. Bruce would like to see some of the shows, while Liam would love to do all the rides again. |
Liam obviously found the Roller Coaster the best, but we think he enjoyed all the rides that he could do by himself. Fortunately for us, he is not big enough yet to go on many of the really scary rides but I am sure he will do these over the next few years. |
Rosie enjoyed the Batman Ride the most, which was a simulator ride that pushed us all over the place. Liam didn't like this but again it was very noisy. Bruce liked the River Ride since it reminded him of Disneyland. |