We played to old course today and these are the tee shots from Number 7 and number 14. |
Today was the beginning of Bruce and Rosie's holiday. We booked Liam into Kid's Kapers and booked ourselves into 18 holes on the old course. Liam has been really looking forward to going to kindy again and he enjoyed being able to put his back pack on and walk from home to kindy. |
The golf course was very open and relatively easy to play. Unfortunately we both showed signs of not having played much lately with some terrible play around the greens. We both had a reasonable fairway game. We agreed to start on 18 hcp and then adjust depending on who wins and their score. |
On the first nine, Bruce scored 50 and Rosie 56, which was very good, but most shots were lost in putting and chipping. The second nine saw a dramatic improvement in Bruce's game with pars on 11,12 and 13. On 14, Bruce hit down the middle and then had to wait for the groundsmen to stop work in the middle of the fairway. |
They signalled us to play through so I hit a beautiful shot straight at them, unfortunately they lost it in the sun and were mildly stunned when the ball belted into their work buggy, narrowly missing them, and bouncing back 40m. When Rosie went to hit they ran right off the fairway. Bruce's next shot landed on the green and then a good put saw him get a birdie on the par 5. A 41 for the second nine was much more respectable. Rosie got a 51. Tomorrow Bruce will stay on an 18 and Rosie will play off 21. One up for Bruce. |
We caught the bus back to the resort and arrived with 10 minutes to spare before kindy finished. When we went to pick up Liam, Kerry told us that Liam had played solidly all morning, with the other 20 kids, not stopping to have a snack or a drink (no matter how hard they tried to get him to stop). Liam loved it and is looking forward to going back again tomorrow (aren't his parents thoughtful for arranging this for him). Liam enjoyed playing Hunters with his new friend Lachlan and playing in the sandpit and the boats. He also liked hiding in the tree with his friend. We have already booked both this and our game of golf on the new course. |
After lunch, Rosie went into Yeppoon to do the weeks shopping so that we could eat tonight and have some food to send off with Liam. Liam and Dad spent the whole afternoon in the pool area. We started off in the beach pool playing with Liam's frog. We then progressed to the spa before picking up a ball from the Activity Hut and playing in the wading pool (which was very cold). |
Back to the spa for a warm up before a celebratory milk shake at the pool side bar. The resort is well set up for children with the whole pool area only 1.2m deep and the beach entrance is excellent. Parents can sit all around the pools with a drink or just sunbaking. |
The TV has Nickelodeon, which is a channel dedicated to children and has all of Liam's favorite cartoons. We used the BBQ facilities tonight enjoying the balmy warm weather. Tomorrow is predicted to be 31C. |