The Holikday Pages

Day 18, 8th July, 2003

We caught the Manly Ferry today into Sydney and went to visit the Australia Museum. The ride was quite interesting, passing a few important land marks and giving you a good view of the Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Liam loves museum's since they have dinosaur bones and lots of other bones. He thorough enjoys looking at the different animals. We were very impressed as to how child friendly they have made museums. There many tactile displays that Liam could touch and play with.


The Tyranasaurus Rex model was excellent, but it didn't close its mouth quicklyl enough.

Inside the museum there were a few kids play areas, and this one was enormous, with boats and balloons etc. There was also a lizard making area and face painting. Liam and I spent half an hour watching the baby crocodiles swimming in their aquarium and then being fed.

After the museum we took the monorail for a quick circuit of Sydney CBD and Darling Harbour. Unfortunately Liam still haven't got over his cold and this caused him to wake early this morning. He therefore got very tired in the afternoon so we didn't get a chance to look at Darling Harbour. We hopped of the monorail and went to the Ferry wharf. We crossed over the bridge first, only to realise that the Ferry stopped on the other side.

As we crossed back we saw the ferry arrive and leave just as we got to the gang plank. To rub salt into our wounds, the ferry then went to the other side and picked up passengers where we had just been. Dad and son were not impressed. An easy drive back to Dee Why and a quiet night in. A good day all up.

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