The Holiday Pages

Day 7, 27th June, 2003

We woke up to bright sun shine today and decided to take advantage of it by returning to Movie World. There were two shows that we hadn't seen yesterday, so we started the day by going to the Looney Tunes Musical Revue. Liam really enjoyed it, as did Rosie and I. Strangely one of the dancers was a girl that we saw at a revue show at the Valley Cafe a few months ago.

After this we went back to Toon Village and Liam went on all the rides that he enjoyed yesterday. He started on the roller coaster again and then back to the Taxis. Since the weather was so nice, it was much more crowded today so Liam had to learn the art of queuing. He was quiet good, compared to how he was at Sea World only 6 days ago.

Back to the bumper cars, which became his second favorite ride. At one stage, Liam and a group of boys spent 20 minutes doing the circuit from the entrance, into the cars, and then a quick run around to the entrance again. He was doing quite well until the last time when he started his run before the exit gate opened and he crashed into the barier, head first.

We managed to see the Batman Show, which was good and we also fitted in the Stunt Show, which was excellent. Then back to Toon Village for another round of Liam's favorite rides. By the end of the day he had been on the roller coaster 8 times (6 with Mum and 2 with Dad) and the bumper cars at least 8 times. Along with the Rocket ride he had a full day.

To complete the day we went back to the hotel for a spa and are now settling in for dinner before going out to the street markets that are being set up along the Surfer's Paradise beach side walks.

Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Days 8-9, Day 10

Day 11, Days 12-14, Day 15, Days 16-17, Day 18, Days 19-20

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