The Rosie, Bruce, Daen and Liam Page

This page is about us and where we live in Margaret River with a link to our property Margaret House. Currently we are on holiday, so the pages are about our holiday.

Day 3, 23rd June, 2003

After travelling all day on Saturday and then going to Sea World all day on Sunday, we decided to have a relaxing day today and just look around the hotel and the beach. We knew we would be tired after the flight, but since Liam has been waiting so long for his holiday, we wanted to immediately do something interesting and different. The rest today was very pleasant for Rosie and Bruce.

Surfers Paradise is absolutely full of hotels and it appears to be very quiet at the moment so they are all offering good deals on accommodation and meals. We are enjoying Trickett Gardens and it seems to have everything we could need.

Trickett Gardens

Surfers Paradise Beach

We thought we would go for a walk along the beach, which is only 100m away. Didn't really go that prepared, Rosie wore a jumper and long pants. All the other women on beach were wearing bikinis and sunbaking.

Liam and Bruce played in the water for a while until Liam got so wet that we had to let him go swimming while Rosie went back to get him a change of clothes and to swap into shorts and a T shirt.

Couldn't resist the gateway photo of the beach.

The weather has been great so far and playing in the water was very pleasant. After our beach swim we went up to Old MacDonalds (no guesses for what this is) and had milk shake and capo.

A stroll around the shopping centre and then back to our little home for lunch.

It is all very similar to Waikiki in Hawaii with hundreds of asian tourists. All the signs are in both Japanese and English and several stores are specifically for the Japanese market.


After lunch we all went down to the spa. Liam put so much pressure on his mum to go swimming with him that Rosie had to buy some bathers before leaving home. She enjoyed the heated spa but couldn't bring herself to go into the pool.

Bruce had a swim in the pool, which was also heated, and then finally got Liam in to the pool for a quick swim. The pool was quite nice but the short walk between it and the spa was a bit chilly. The problem with all the sky scrapers is that they put everything into the shade. The pool area is in the shade all day, which is most probably why they had to heat it. I am sure this is great in summer but in winter it keeps everything a bit too cool.

Bruce found it hard to sit by the pool and read his paper while Liam and Rosie splashed about. Very uncivilised.


Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Days 8-9, Day 10

Day 11, Days 12-14, Day 15, Days 16-17, Day 18, Days 19-20

Days 21-22 , Day 23-30

Main Holiday Page