The Holiday Pages

Day 12, 2nd July, Day 13, July 3rd and Day 14, 4th July, 2003

We had a non golf day today. Liam still went off to Kids Kapers in the morning while Rosie and I went down to the beach to see what was available. The surf cats appealed to us so we went sailing for half an hour before taking a bit of a sit on the beach. A relax back at the unit reading the paper and having a cup of coffee before we picked up Liam.

A BBQ lunch was the order of the day since we are having pizzas tonight. Liam was really cranky after kindy, he played solidly all morning with Lachlan and wanted to keep going. It took him a while to settle down but eventually he fell into his normal routine.

A bit of lunch, a play on the slides and swings and then back to the unit to watch an hour of Nick Jnr. which has all Liam's favorite cartoons and shows. He needs this rest time I think, but it could just be that he is spoilt rotten and just expects to have everything his own way, he never seems to need sleep or want to go to sleep early.


After Liam's rest break we went back to the freezing cold wading pool that Liam loves and splashed around for a while, then into the spa to warm up. Rosie looked keen and actually got into her bathers but, as can be seen, her feet were the only parts of her to get wet.

We met up with Kelly, her daughter Fiona and Fiona's son Lachlan (different one to the kindy one) at the spa again and we all went to the beach pool to play for another hour. This is a great pool for the kids, they can play on the rocks and jump in and the depth is perfect.

Another great day. We will reverse the day tomorrow by going to the beach with Liam in the morning and then putting him into kindy in the afternoon while we play golf. This will also reflect his kindy schedule at home and he will most probably like the familiar concept as well as the variation in his day.


[I have put a couple of new pictures on Day 10 since this page was missing a couple of pool photos and it looked like we didn't see Liam all day]

Day 13

Just a regular day today. We thought we would try going to the beach in the morning and take Liam on the surf skis (Rosie felt the catameran was a bit dangerous). While waiting for the beach activities to be set up, Dad read the paper along with his son. Liam has always wanted to take out our surf ski, but when he was actually on the canoe type ski he wasn't that comfortable. Bruce took him out for a paddle and he enjoyed it but was very aprehensive and didn't want to stay out for long. It was a bit windy on the beach so we adjourned to the pools at the resort.

Straight to the spa to warm up and then Liam forced his Dad back into the freezing cold wading pool. As you can see, no sane person swims in these pools, the sane ones are at the beach pool.

Liam likes the wading pool since he can run around in it. We spent a bit of time splashing around in the pool and then a bit more time in the spa before going back for lunch.

After lunch Liam happily raced off to kindy (the best part of his day he reckons). Mum and Dad had to amuse themselves again so we went back to the golf course to try again.

We played the old course again since a competition was taking place on the new. We both started better this time and the shot of the day had to be on the 3rd hole, Par 3. I landed in the bunker at the front and after complaining about the poor pin placement (they keep putting them on the edge of the greens , which are inverted bowls, and the ball just runs away) I chipped the ball out perfectly and it rolled into the hole for a birdie.

Bruce won again today (3 - 0) with 35 points to Rosie's 28. Rosie will get to play off 25 tomorrow but will not be able to over take me.

Day 13

Another quiet day again today. Liam went off to kindy for the morning while Bruce and Rosie went to play their last round of golf. We played the new course and although we handled it quite well, our scores weren't very good. Bruce won again. If we had left our handicaps as they were, Bruce would have won 3 and Rosie 1. Rosie never quite got the hang of the greens.

In the afternoon we played a round of mini golf and then went to the wading pool before finishing up in the Beach pool. It was very warm this afternoon so we didn't last very long in the water. Liam got a bit cold so we went back to the room and had an icecream.

Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Days 8-9, Day 10

Day 11, Days 12-14, Day 15, Days 16-17, Day 18, Days 19-20

Days 21-22 , Day 23-30

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