Author: mhbwd1

Author: mhbwd1

The Brewhouse
27/07/2018 Uncategorized mhbwd1

The newest brewery to open (January, 2016) in Margaret River is the Brewhouse. It is situated at the entrance to town, just before you reach the bridge. They are serving light meals and have a good selection of beers. It is proving very popular so we went there to check out the menu. The usual selection

Pet Friendly compared to Pets Allowed
27/07/2018 Uncategorized mhbwd1

Travelling with pets has become a more common trend in the Australian tourism market. It has always been popular in Europe and the USA. Many establishments are now either advertising that “Pets are Allowed” or they are “Pet Friendly”, but is there any difference between these two terms? If you intend having an overnight stay

A Wine tour with your pets
05/12/2017 Uncategorized mhbwd1

Our guests love to bring their pets with them and now they can take them on their wine tour as well. We recently met up with Geri from Grape Escape South West Tours and discussed with her how they had recently started up a Paws Tour where you and your friends can take a personalised

Margaret River Golf Course
05/01/2014 Attractions mhbwd1

Just had a lovely game of golf on the picturesque Margaret River Golf course that is only 3km from Margaret House. Since they connected to the recycled water the golf course is magnificent condition all year round. You do occasionally have to distract the kangaroos so that you can get your shot away.
