The Rosie, Bruce, Daen and Liam (baby) Page

26th September, 1999




What Has Been Happening Recently


Liam is making tremendous leaps forward these days with being able to move around at will, so long as it doesn't require walking. He loves to walk along holding objects and then he drops to the ground to get to the next object and then start to walk along again.


He is so quick now that we have to watch him like a hawk so that he doesn't get away from us. Bruce now has to suffer the pain of allowing his son to hurt himself because of being neglectful. So far Liam has pulled a clock down on top of his head and fallen off a mortar board and doing a face plant in the gravel. The latter event created his first ever grazes on his head and he now looks like he has been in the wars.


Grandma and Grandpa Darby take every opportunity to come down and visit so that they can get to know their new grandchild. Liam is very well behaved for them and this allows us to get out and play a bit of golf while Liam is being babysat.

Liam is still very cute and knows it, every where you go the girls keep stopping to take a good look at him. We sent this picture off to Redgate since we like it so much and they reciprocated by giving us a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. They also included the picture in their newsletter which we thought was interesting.


The building program is going really well and Liam loves the massive sand pit that we brought in just for him to play in. Unfortunately for him, part of his sand pit keep getting harder and harder.


We are currently up to plate height with the roof going on next week, it looks a bit like a prison at the moment with bricks going up to a flat roof and all very square lines but it will become much more interesting when the rafters go up and the verandah gets put up.


Every time we go into the room we pace it out and try to work out where the furniture will go. Initially it looked a bit small, as all buildings do, but we are getting happier as it goes along and can see where every thing will go.


Bruce is on holidays for the next couple of weeks so this will give us time to look around at carpet and tiles etc to fit out the room. Rosie recently had to go back to work for two days so that she could go on holidays again for a year. She got an unbelievable hourly rate of pay for those days.

Liam loves to sit out in the sun and enjoys it even more when all the animals come to join him.

The most exciting part of building program was when the concrete trucks turned up and the building started to suddenly take shape. Rosie rang Bruce at work to tell him to come home and watch, but Bruce felt that teaching his kids was mildly more important. In the above picture you see our builder, Gordon, getting down and dirty while putting in the footings. It amazes us as to how much hands on work Gordon is doing. He goes from Voyager Estate winery where he has been building for the past 5 years (and many millions of dollars) to our Bed and Breakfast room and then back to Voyager. I think he is enjoying the small operation again.


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