July Update, 1999



What Has Been Happening Recently

Liam hasn't yet learnt to crawl but he is finally starting to make some serious attempts. Every time he goes to Grandma's and Grandpa's he makes great progress but this is quickly forgotten when he is back home and has three adults to pick him up whenever he starts to whinge. Every day though he does get better and today he actually put together several movements to go forward a couple of metres.



The concept of walking really appeals to Liam, he is happy to walk around the room holding onto objects as he goes along. He can get from the lounge chair to his play box and then along to his own chair and around the coffee table all without falling over. Unfortunately once he does this he gets bored and starts to cry out.


While walking along he happily jumps up and down swapping weight from one foot to the other. He seems to be very powerful in both his arms and legs and enjoys the movement.


The plans for our house extension were approved today so hopefully the big building program will start soon. Our builder feels it will only take 8 weeks to complete so it should be ready for us to start to take bookings again for the Bed and Breakfast before the Christmas break.


Bruce bought a scanner for my Macintosh this week (a UMAX Astra 600S) and is very pleased with the results. The OCR seems to work very well and the photos are as good as I was able to get with the digital camera. This picture, taken a few on Grandpa's birthday in 1998, shows all of the youngest Darby generation. We have Ben (holding Liam, 2 months), Daen, Alex holding Matthew and Jonathan sitting in the front.


Petra, a member of Bruce's Maths staff, absolutely loves holding Liam but unfortunetly he tends to cry, as babies do when taken from their mother, every time she gets him. On this occassion at the Knights Inn, Liam was perfectly behaved, since Mum wasn't in sight, and Petra had a wonderful time, along with others, entertaining the little man.

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