These are the Photos and update information for June 1999



What Has Been Happening Recently

Every Mothers' Day all the Darby's go back to Dwellingup for one of the two Darby Picnics. This is where my parent's generation mainly remember being brought up and we have been coming back here for over 30 years now on this day.

First stop is always at the Dwellingup Cemetery to visit Great Grandma (Edith Hannah) and Great Grandpa's (William Robert) graves. The Aunties place fresh flowers on both graves and the whole group meets up before going onto the picnic area at Holyoake. The traditional visit to the old Holyeoak townsite and smelling of the oil was partaken by all. Usually we can time it properly so that we see the Hotham Valley steam train go past.


Liam is currently teething, he has two teeth on the bottom and one on the top. He is also enjoying eating solids after many unsuccessful attempts and absolutely loves icecream, which he can eat out of Dad's cone.


Dad is starting to enjoy Liam much more now since he can be occupied easily for an hour or so. I usually put him in the back pack and carry him around while I do odd jobs around the property. He absolutely loves being up at the same height as us and he looks all around taking in everything.


Four generations of Darby's get together.

Liam has not started to crawl yet but I feel he is getting very close. He is getting up on his hands and legs but not coordinating to actually move forward. He can nearly go backwards though. Liam has also learnt to pull himself up on objects and can stand while holding onto things quite well. He is very good at this and confidently swaps his weight from one foot to the other.


Our building program has come pretty much to a standstill while we wait for the builder to get together all the quotes. He has been working on this for nearly a month and we haven't heard much. At least the council is now approving plans more quickly so once everything is ready it shouldn't take too long to get started and completed. We are not too worried but we would like to see the whole project completed before November so that we can take bookings for the summer period.

We bought a new car on Friday, 30th April. As can be seen, we traded in the Meteor that Bruce has owned since 1983. It wasn't worth much and equated out to a tow ball, pin striping, a roof rack and mats in the car. We bought a Ford Explorer and so far are very happy with it. It has power to burn and is quite comfortable to drive. Rosie wanted a big car so that she could feel safer on the road with Liam. This car has ABS breaks and airbags so we thought it should be reasonably safe. It only uses twice as much petrol as the old Meteor, which is not abnomral since it is twice as large in all respects.

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