The Rosie, Bruce, Daen and Liam (baby) Page

This page is about us and where we live in Margaret River with a link to our property Margaret House.

Updated 10th January, 2000


Liam at 1 year old, he started walking the week he turned 1.


What Has Been Happening Recently

Well the year 2000 is finally upon us, with no great fanfare or catastrophes. I remember as a child sitting back and calculating how old I would be when this event happened and just couldn't conceptualise what it would be like. Now that it has happened, it seemed like just another New Year.


It is amazing how things can change in just a short time. 5 years ago I had just gotten back from long service leave, after travelling around the world and decided that I enjoyed the experience so much that I would take up the offer of deferred pay and work for 80% pay for the next 4 years so that I could travel around the world again on 80% pay for the fifth year.


This plan looked good while I was single with no encumbrances but how things can change. I started going out with Rosie a couple of months later and then we started living together. I worked it out that Rosie, Daen and I could still go around the world in 1999, it would just require a bit more planning and saving. We were just about to book our flights in early 1988 when suddenly along came Liam. This put a whole new complexion on the idea of travelling around the world and I had to put off my years leave to contemplate what we could do now.


After thinking about it for a while we decided to build onto the house and create a Studio room. We thought that this would increase our business income and give Rosie a more substantial role apart from looking after Liam. We decided to take the year off in 2000, but we will not be travelling around the world, a quick trip around our block sounds good these days. I started holidays at Xmas '99 and have until February, 2001 to rest and relax and go on a few trips around the state.

Liam is now walking everywhere and is an absolute delight with his curious and inquiring nature. He has his jobs that he likes to do each day, walking around with Dad helping him to do the watering, dragging the buckets around the property. Feeding the chickens and the guinea fowls is also a highlight each day. Another of his pleasures is strolling around to the front of the house and going up and down the steps. When he gets tired he likes to grab one of his many books and sit on Mum or Dad's lap and look at the pictures while the book is read to him. His sleeping habits have vastly improved and he would now be considered a good sleeper. We usually get him to sleep for 2-3 hours in the afternoon and then he sleeps from 9pm till 8am the next morning, you can't complain about that can you?


Apart from the odd "Mumma" or "Dadda" his vocabulary is very limited but he is experimenting with sounds and testing out his ability to make noise, fortunately this is not in the form of tantrums but more just experimentation and enjoyment. Liam is turning into a very

The weather has been atrocious throughout the end of December and January with every day being over 30°C. Bruce has been doing his usual holiday past-times of swimming and body boarding in the morning followed by a cappuccino at Gnarabup café. Rosie and Liam usually join him for the later part and Bruce is taking Liam out into the ocean to try to slowly get him to enjoy the beach and take up the idea of swimming. Liam is a bit dubious about the concept at the moment but he is starting to enjoy his little dips. In the late afternoon Bruce goes out to play golf. You would think that with all the practise he gets his game would improve but it continues to slide into oblivion.

Our new Studio room has only been open for a month and we are very pleased with the response so far. All our clients have been rapted with what we are offering and the tourist bureau are sending a few clients our way. We were fully booked from Xmas through to the first couple of weeks of January which is what we were hoping for. It will now be interesting to see how it goes when there are other options available to people.

12 months of this sort of lifestyle shouldn't be too hard to take but we are planning to go on a couple of short holidays. The first will be to Peaceful Bay, Esperance and Kalgoorlie (to see Phillip and Kathleen). Other trips are planned to Geraldton and maybe higher and to take in the mid-west and South-west at appropriate times in the year.


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