Liam at 1 year old, he started walking the week
he turned 1.
What Has Been
Happening Recently
Well the year 2000 is finally upon us, with no great
fanfare or catastrophes. I remember as a child sitting back
and calculating how old I would be when this event happened
and just couldn't conceptualise what it would be like. Now
that it has happened, it seemed like just another New Year.
It is amazing how things can change in just a short time.
5 years ago I had just gotten back from long service leave,
after travelling around the world and decided that I enjoyed
the experience so much that I would take up the offer of
deferred pay and work for 80% pay for the next 4 years so
that I could travel around the world again on 80% pay for
the fifth year.
This plan looked good while I was single with no
encumbrances but how things can change. I started going out
with Rosie a couple of months later and then we started
living together. I worked it out that Rosie, Daen and I
could still go around the world in 1999, it would just
require a bit more planning and saving. We were just about
to book our flights in early 1988 when suddenly along came
Liam. This put a whole new complexion on the idea of
travelling around the world and I had to put off my years
leave to contemplate what we could do now.