The Rosie, Bruce, Daen and Liam (baby) Page


Updated 28th March, 2000


Liam is into everything these days.


What Has Been Happening Recently

The fence around the property has now been completed and the new automatic garage door has been installed. This means that Liam can now be contained within the immediate confines of the house and we can relax a lot more when he goes out the back door. He has taken it quite well and as with everything in his life he is meticulous about us closing and latching the gate each time we go out. He also likes to go out the garage door, when it is open, and walk to the gate and demand to be let in. The new garage door really finishes off the extension that we have done and gives the whole back of the house a cleaner better presented look. All the plants around the Studio are growing well and when you look at this part of the property the overall effect is great.

Daen's problems are never ending and we continue to go up and down to Perth on a regular basis. Somehow everytime we have planned to go away a problem arises with Daen's arm and the trip has to be cancelled. So far Daen has spent a total of 4 weeks in hospital and is booked to go back again on the 1st of May for a week to have the plate taken out of his arm (we had planned to go to Esperance and Peaceful Bay at this time, the third time we have planned this).

Daen thought this was all quite exciting but I think the novelty has worn off a bit now. His specialist told him this week that after the plate is taken out his arm will be very weak and if he goes skiing in July then he will break his arm again. Daen's reaction to this was typical in that "I am going skiing anyway", but reality will most probably be that we won't be able to take him because of insurance reasons.

Daen after the first operation, he has since had another 2 with a 3rd to come.

He still isn't saying any words yet but his ability to point and grunt has become a communication form to rival the english language.

Liam now has the ability to climb up onto objects and you can find him anywhere. He walks around the kitchen table, up onto benches and chairs, into the trailor, but his favorite is up onto the mower. You can find him sitting there for long periods of time turning the steering wheel and making brmm brmm noises.

We were talking to some guests recently and when we turned around we found Liam had climbed up into their car and was ready to drive off.

Bruce's golf game is finally coming back, with him playing 2 games a week. The highlight of his golf career occurred a couple of weeks ago when we visitied Daen in hospitl and then raced off to play golf at Joondallup. When we arrived we found out that you could only use 4 clubs in the competition so a quick selection and then off we went. Bruce hit a pleasant 40 off the stick for the first 9 followed by a 42 on the second nine to amass 42 stableford points and easily win the competition. Unfortunately this meant waiting around the 2 hours for presentations but the joy of winning at Joondallup made it worth it.

Bruce followed up this performance with a win at home with Merv in a 4 ball better ball and then a good 37 points and a couple of nearest the pins.


All up a very good fortnight of golf and a loss of 2 strokes off my handicap.



Father and son reading the paper together, it lasted for at least 5 minutes.

We have rearranged the furniture in the cottage now and have taken out the bunk beds and put them into Daen's room. We replaced them with a sofa bed and put the double chair into our lounge room, as seen above with Daen and Liam. We also put a queen sized bed into the cottage an put the double bed into our guest room.

Below you see another of Liam's favorite places, he likes to get into the dog house, it could be training for married life.



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