The Liam Burnett Darby Pages


Updated 14th March, 1999


1999 - Friday

We are experiencing some very hot weather the last few days and I am not sure if this is the reason for you waking every one to two hours for a feed. You certainly don't appear to be starved but just in case you aren't getting enough from me I am giving you boiled water in a cup. I weighed you today and you come in at 7 kgs or 17 1/2 lbs. Your length is 64 cms.


Another Few Weeks in Liam's Life

1999 - Monday 22nd February

I have decided to experiment more with solids. We started tonight by giving you half a teaspoon of mashed potato and pumpkin. You moved your mouth up and down pushing the food in and out with your tongue and the whole time with this inquisitive frown on your face. Most of the food ended up in the bib, on the floor or on me.

1999 - Tuesday

During the day I allowed you to chew on a piece of apple which you appear to love. I think it was the juice you were extracting from the sucking action. I have no intentions of using a bottle for any purpose so for the first time I gave you a small drink of water using a cup. As you would expect you choked and gagged for the first few drops, but you will get better with each attempt. We tried the old mashed potato and pumpkin again, this time you were actually opening your mouth in anticipation. Unfortunately your atrocious sleeping pattern hasn't changed since your last growing spurt and I am having to get up to you 4 - 5 times a night.

1999 - Wednesday

I am looking into going up to Geraldton in March to visit Nanna and Pop, Aunty Nola, Uncle Johnny and all your cousins. It will cost $165 return to fly from Perth but I then have to take your car seat, transportable cot, pram and of course clothing. It could cost me another $70 to $100 in excess luggage. My other option is to go by bus which will only cost about $20 - $30 one way and it doesn't matter how much luggage I have. Flying will only take three quarters of an hour whereby bus will take about 6 hours. Feed you mashed potato again tonight.

1999 - Thursday

I have decided to fly and not take the cot or car seat as Aunty Nola will be able to obtain these in Geraldton. We are booked to fly out on the 21st March, returning 28th March. I am looking forward to going. Daen is not happy about me leaving him behind but has accepted it gracefully.


1999 - Friday

Dizzy and Rob came over for tea after drink at the Knights Inn. Dad drank far too much and his whole system played up for the next 24 hours. Serves him right.

1999 - Saturday

Grandma and Grandpa made a late decision last night and decided to come down for the weekend to mainly see you and everyone else. It is very important to them to be part of your life and they will make regular trips down. Nanna and Pop from Geraldton are the same but being in their late 70's they can't make the trip as often. We made a quick trip to Bunbury for Dad to see if we could get $3000 as a trade in on his old car. The car dealer offered him $2800 but I was not at all happy with the second hand car he was interested in. You slept 5 1/2 hours for me last night followed by another 3 hours. Daen spent the night at Glen's.

1999 - Sunday

Because you woke every 1 - 2 hours last night Dad took you at about 7.00 a.m. and allowed me to sleep in. It was a very relaxing day for everyone concerned and Grandma and Grandpa babysat you while Dad and I played 9 holes of golf. I have played one game in 12 months and I felt very stiff after. My hitting off the tee and putting was very good but my short game was shot to pieces.


1999 - Saturday

The weather conditions are so hot that our chalet guests left after one night to go back to there air conditioned house in Perth even after paying the full amount for the weekend. We managed to rebook the chalet so we will send them back their money. The heat though didn't deter Dad from playing golf. Daen left early in the morning to go to Perth for Daniel Collin's Birthday and wont be back until Monday afternoon.

1999 - Sunday

I can't believe it, the new chalet guests have also left after one night to return to Perth mainly due to the fact that the lady is 8 months pregnant, the kids are playing up for the Uncle and the heat is unbearable. Another clean for me to do and a new set of chalet guests. These one will be staying for one night. You don't appear to be effected by the heat but sleeping at night has been a problem for the past week. You are requiring feeding every 2 hours which is beginning to take its toll with me. Dad was very good this morning and took you for a few hours while I slept in. It was the Lagans' day at golf so Dad played and won a $15 - $18 bottle of wine. He always enjoyed playing on their day.

1999 - Monday 1st March

A public holiday today and I got to sleep in again because Dad took you at about 6.00 a.m. The heat has abated and it almost looked like it could have rained except it didn't. You ate a whole Milk Arrowroot Biscuit today soaked in boiled water.

1999 - Tuesday

I wish you would hurry up and get back into your old habit of sleeping for 6 hours during the night. Since your last growing spurt you haven't gone through the night without waking every 1 - 2 hours for a feed. Daen is being a typical 14 year old who thinks because he is taller and stronger than his mum he can try me out with just about everything.

1999 - Wednesday

Not much was achieved productively today - what's new. I need to finish cleaning the chalet some time before we have a booking walk in off the street. Gypsy, Tash's dog from next door, is still chasing the Guinea Fowls every evening. When you try to catch her to chastise and tie her up she scampers for home. I think she is in trouble tonight though because she even ran away from her owners.

1999 - Thursday

You are being a bugger at night and wont sleep unless cradled in the arms of your mum. This will have to stop but I will have to wait until the weekend so it doesn't effect the workers.


1999 - Friday

Dave and Barbara Taylor came down for the Leeuwin Concert tomorrow and will be staying with Basildene Manor tonight and us tomorrow. I de-webbed the house today before we became overgrown with spiders and webs. We had a BBQ for tea with Dave and Barb. Dad still has vivid memories of the last dinner we had with visitors and behaved himself with the wine. I think you have finally broken the nasty 2 hours sleeping pattern you have had since your last growing spurt of about 3 weeks ago. Keep our fingers and knees crossed.

1999 - Saturday

The Leeuwin Concert today. Bryn Terfel (Baritone) and Yvonne Kenny (Soprano). The weather has been very overcast and muggy for most of the day and looked very threatening in the afternoon, but thank god no rain. Daen sprained his right wrist very badly at the skate park and needed xrays. If it is no better in one week it will have to be reviewed for a scaphoid fracture.

1999 - Monday 8th March

Grandma and Grandpa left today at approximately 10.30 a.m. You didn't sleep from waking at 6.30 a.m. until 12.20 p.m. and this was only for about three quarters of an hour. I then fed you again and you fell asleep on my chest for another 1 1/2 hours. Dad left to go swimming at 7.00 a.m., arrived home from work at 4.15 p.m., left for a meeting at 5.45 p.m. and didn't return home until well past both our bedtime. Daen hates music and I am seriously pulling him out for the rest of the year. We had 2 lots of chalet guest potentials but didn't get either, both were looking for Bed and Breakfast at a really cheat rate.

1999 - Tuesday

Dad received his wine from Cape Mentelle for the Guinea Fowls today. 3 bottles of Georgiana and 1 bottle of Semillon Sauvignon Blanc. We have started to sell our figs to the Berry Farm in exchange for credit as a bit of fun. Andrea picked up 16 kgs today. The High School AGM tonight and all previous office bearers were re-elected unaposed. This mean I am Treasurer for another year. Dad was not happy with the idea of me leaving you home with him because he had so much school work to do that I was forced to take you with me. I spent most of the 2 hour meeting standing at the fish tank with you totally mesmerised with the gold fish.

1999 - Wednesday

I needed to spend most of the day running around doing P&C business of opening new bank accounts and chasing everyone down for signatures. I am also going on the canteen committee for one year only.

1999 - Thursday

You enjoy your baths so much these days that you have started to kick and throw your arms around vigorously splashing water everywhere while laughing and taking in the odd mouth full.