The Rosie, Bruce, Daen and Liam (baby) Page

Updated 4th October, 2000 (one week to Liam's Birthday)

Liam has been having a wonderful time at playgroup this term. All the little blond haired, blue eyed boys returned and totally ignored each other again for another 10 weeks. Sarah organised the activities this term and did a wonderful job. As you can see all the mother's made hats for the children on this day (it is supposed to be the other way around but the kids aren't quite up to it yet). They also did some painting and coloured in a really interesting plaster animal. Bruce was very proud of Liam's fish, he let him do it all himself and it came out quite good.

We went to Peaceful Bay in September and stayed in some friends "luxury" seaside bungalow. It was really great and gave us a chance to visit Denmark, Walpole and the forests around the area. We really wanted to do the Tree Top Walk and found this to be fantastic, I don't know whether Liam really appreciated it but he do the whole walk in his stroller. The swaying of the spans amazed us and Rosie was a bit worried that it might fall down, especially as the crowd backed up as maintenance work was carried out on trees over the last span. The wineries around Denmark were interesting and the views on the Scottsdale Tourist Route were magnificent. Denmark itself is a beautiful little town and the play area on the banks of the river was a clear favourite with Liam.


We went on some nice walks and visited places from Bruce's childhood trips with his parents. Back then you could drive your car into the Giant Tingle Wood tree and this was the usual photo that was taken. Now you can only walk into the tree but we had to take a picture anyway. The wildflowers were beautiful along the walks and the views at Conspicuous Cliff were worth the stroll.


Liam was happiest when we went strolling around the community and found a brand new playground that had just been set up. He went there each day and it didn't take long before he was able to go down the large spiral slide by himself. He is also getting very good a climbing up obstacles and negotiating his way into places that you wouldn't think he could get to.



We took this photo mainly for Uncle Johnie in Geraldton, but it was interesting to see all the tractors around the community. Obviously many of the houses are owned by local farmers and when their tractor gets a bit old they bring it down to the beach to tow their boats into the water. Since the boat ramp is just an access to the beach, you have to drive right into the water to get your big boats launched. The tractors are perfect for this.


We recently had some guest stay in the cottage who had a little 15 month old girl, Hannah. We were amazed that Liam took an instant liking to her and actually played with her. He gave Hannah little presents of twigs and honky nuts and then showed her around the chook pen. The next day they shared toys when they saw each other and on the last day Hannah came over and they played on Liam's swings and Liam taught Hannah how to play golf. The main reason we were amazed with Liam interacting with Hannah is that he still doesn't interact with any of the children at playgroup, obviously in his own environment, he was happy to show off and share what he has.

Liam's ability to hit the ball with his golf club is amazing. He is even able to stop the ball as it comes back to him and then hit it. He is mainly using a 20cm ball and isn't too bad with the 10 cm ball. An actual golf ball is a bit too small for him.


The business has been going extremely well after an almost dead July. August was a very good month and September was fantastic. The cheap airfares have encouraged many people to come over from the Eastern States and many of these people have used the internet to find accommodation and hence found us. September is also shaping up very well and if things continue in this way we may have problems with water, which is a bit of a catch 22 situation.

Lily and her partner Peter, from Singapore, stayed with us recently, after finding us on the Internet. They really wanted to stay in a place with animals, especially a dog. Rio was exactly what Lily wanted and we also put on some sheep and horses with the occasional kangaroo just for good measure. The chickens and guinea fowl also provided light entertainment.

They both enjoyed it so much that we have been invited to visit them in Singapore, which hopefully we will get the chance to do in the next couple of years.


The great thing about the hospitality business is the number of really nice people you meet and we have been fortunate to meet many friendly people from all over the world who just love our climate and environment.

Bruce's on going fight with the Noise Exemption Order for the Speedway is progressing, but he doesn't hold out much chance of success. He had a meeting with the new commissioner last week, they listened and a couple clearly understood the situation, but whether they are prepared to take a stand or just take the easy path we don't know.

Bruce is now trying to raise public awareness through the newspapers and the internet but we are running out of time.


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